Chennai, Nov 8 – The Tamil Nadu Government has issued orders to implement Project Dolphin, aimed at saving dolphins, improving their population, and enhancing habitats in the Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve. The project, to be executed under the Integrated Development of Wildlife Habitats of the Union Government, will have an estimated cost of Rs. 8.13 crore.
The release emphasized that Project Dolphin is designed to strengthen marine ecology, overall health, and the marine environment in the Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve. The region is home to over nine species of marine dolphins, with major habitats identified in the Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve.
The Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve boasts rich marine biodiversity, including marine mammals like dugongs. The conservation efforts under Project Dolphin will address natural and human-induced threats faced by dolphins, such as hunting, entanglement in fishing nets, overfishing, climate change, ship strikes, tourism activities, toxic contamination, noise pollution, oil and gas development, and habitat degradation.
The project will leverage modern technology to engage with fishermen and other ocean-dependent populations to improve the population of dolphin species, protect their habitat, and enhance the livelihoods of local communities. Key activities under the project include strengthening protection through better patrolling and anti-poaching activities, rescue and rehabilitation efforts, dolphin habitat improvement, removal of ghost nets, reduction of pollution, awareness campaigns, and the promotion of eco-tourism.
The release outlined specific initiatives, including the celebration of “National Dolphin Day,” launch of the Dolphin Scholarship program, incentives and awards for local communities, and symposiums and seminars for better understanding and learning about this endangered species. Project Dolphin aims to strike a balance between conservation efforts and sustainable development, ensuring the coexistence of marine life and human activities in the Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve.