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Kolhapur, Dec 13 – A heart-wrenching incident unfolded on Tuesday as a sugarcane-cutting laborer couple lost their lives in a fatal accident at Raigaon Phata in Satara district, along the Pune-Bengaluru National Highway.

The Bhuij police in Satara reported that a sugarcane-loaded tractor, en route to Bhuij, was struck forcefully by a speeding truck at Raigaon Phata. The impact caused the couple, seated on the sugarcane load, to fall beneath the front wheel of the truck. Tragically, the man lost his life instantly, while his wife suffered severe injuries.

The injured woman, along with the truck cleaner who also sustained injuries, was rushed to the district civil hospital. Despite medical efforts, the woman, identified as the wife of the deceased, tragically passed away during the course of treatment.

As the police continue their investigation, the identities of the couple, believed to be in their decades, remain unknown.

This unfortunate incident serves as a somber reminder of the risks faced by laborers on highways and the importance of road safety measures to prevent such tragedies.