Hyderabad, Dec 18 – To make Telangana drug free, the State Anti-Narcotics Bureau (TSNAB) will be procuring field / portable drug detection kits shortly.
“We are already using the alcohol breath analyser test and in addition, we will be adding field / portable drug detection kits to our armory shortly,” according to TSNAB director Sandeep Shandilya.
“We are trying to procure state-of-the-art equipment from the world leaders,” he said empty table tops, door handles, wash basin, empty pockets, wallets, handbags all carry evidence –- and we only need to just collect a swab or saliva to run the test.
These equipment detect drugs in ‘Nano Grams’ concentration, he said and pointed that everything will be evidence based –- there will be no way that police can harass the innocents and no way that the high & mighty can escape the long arms of law.
In case of any abuse even after a gap of a few months, the urine sample will contain traces of the drug, he said and informed the Bureau will procure such ‘Test Kits’ and even catch if “You attended a Rave party and did drugs”.
He said that it would be overall responsibility of the colleges and other equivalent educational institutions and its management, to put in place other systems and checks, to eradicate the menace of narcotic drugs from surroundings of their premises.
Big mafia, drug traffickers, drug suppliers to specific institutes, transporters will be their focus, Sandeep said and asserted that every case will be investigated end to end.
Stringent action will be taken against those who gives, or causes to give, to any child any intoxicating liquor or any narcotic drug or tobacco product, psychotropic substance, except on the order of a duly qualified medical practitioner, shall be punishable with rigorous imprisonment, he added.