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Hyderabad, Oct 4: As Telangana prepares for upcoming Assembly elections, the Chief Electoral Officer released the final electoral roll on Wednesday, revealing a total of 3,17,17,389 registered electors across 119 assembly constituencies in the state. The breakdown includes 2,58,71,493 male voters, 1,58,43,339 female voters, and 2,557 transgender voters.

A noteworthy achievement of the electoral campaign is the addition of 5,32,990 youth voters in the age group of 18-19 years, constituting 2.56% of the total voter base. The campaign also recorded 17,01,087 new voter registrations, showcasing active participation and civic engagement.

Among the electors are 15,338 service voters eligible to cast their ballots. The inclusion of new youth voters signals a positive trend in encouraging participation from the younger demographic.

To facilitate access to polling station information and details, voters can use the “” website or the Voter Help Line App (VHA). In case of any discrepancies in enrollment details, voters have the option to apply for corrections using Form 8 through the VHA app or by reaching out to local Booth Level Officers (BLO). The authorities encourage eligible voters who may have missed earlier enrollments to add their names to the electoral list, ensuring a comprehensive and accurate representation in the democratic process.