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Bengaluru : The Karnataka government has announced the prohibition of carpooling in Bengaluru and has advised passengers against using carpooling apps. This decision was made in response to complaints received from taxi driver associations.

The transport department of Karnataka has declared the use of whiteboard vehicles for commercial commuting purposes as “illegal” and has stated that fines ranging from ₹5,000 to ₹10,000 may be imposed on individuals found operating carpooling services.

Several ride-hailing applications, including BlaBla Car, Quickride, Rideshare, Commute Easy, and Carpool Adda, have been offering carpooling services to individuals who wish to share their rides for a fee. Carpooling was previously considered a means of reducing the number of vehicles on Bengaluru’s roads during peak hours, with many IT employees utilizing these services for their daily commute.

However, taxi associations have alleged that carpooling services are adversely affecting their earnings and have called on the government to take action against them. Recently, the taxi associations and autorickshaw drivers’ union organized a Bengaluru bandh and presented a list of demands to Karnataka transport minister Ramalinga Reddy.

One of the major demands is the prohibition of bike taxis, which the minister has stated will be considered after assessing the legal possibilities. Bengaluru currently has the highest traffic density among major cities in the country. With a population of 11 million, the city has approximately 12.5 million vehicles, equating to one vehicle per resident.

The recent traffic congestion has resulted in lengthy delays for commuters on Bengaluru’s Outer Ring Road, which is home to numerous IT parks and global investments. The Bengaluru traffic police are already devising strategies to alleviate the frequent congestion on this stretch of road.

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