A bizarre incident occurred during the intermission of Pushpa 2: The Rule at Kailash Talkies in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. A heated argument over a snack bill reportedly led the canteen owner, Raju, to bite off a part of a customer’s ear.
The altercation began when Raju accused a patron, Shabbir, of not paying for his snacks. The dispute quickly turned violent, with Raju allegedly attacking Shabbir, assisted by three other individuals.
Shabbir filed a complaint with the police, claiming he was beaten and threatened by Raju and his associates. According to Additional SP Niranjan Sharma, the argument escalated into a physical fight, during which Shabbir’s ear was bitten.
A case was registered after Shabbir’s medical report confirmed the injury. The police are investigating the matter, but no arrests have been made yet.
About Pushpa 2: The Rule
The sequel to Sukumar’s hit 2021 film Pushpa: The Rise, Pushpa 2 stars Allu Arjun as Pushpa Raj, a daring red sandalwood smuggler who rises to greater power after defeating his rival, SP Bhanwar Singh Shekhawat. The first film was a massive success, earning around $46 million at the box office.