Beware of new online scam targeting Facebook users
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Pune: The latest online scam is a phishing attempt targeting Facebook users into giving out their login information. Learn how to spot the phishing scam and protect your Facebook account from hackers.

As per information, a pattern of the phishing scam is that users get an email that looks like it’s from Facebook saying, “We recently found that your page has violated Facebook Community Standards, and your account has been disabled. If you think the decision is wrong, you have two options: request a review, or file an appeal.”

The message may also say that Facebook will permanently delete the user’s account unless he/she takes action within 24 hours. Users get an email with a link that looks like it leads to Facebook. Users are generally tempted to click on it because they want their account back. However, it’s important to note that this is a scam. There are several signs that users are being scammed.

Firstly, the email contains typos.

Second, the sender’s email address is not Facebook-related.

Third, the email does not appear to be from Facebook.

Finally, the link does not point to the Facebook website.

Another type of Facebook phishing attack targets Facebook business pages by threatening to deactivate their account for violating the Terms of Service or Community Standard. The message appears to be from Meta Business Support, and the administrator is asked to confirm their account by clicking on a link, or their account will be permanently removed.

Once the administrator clicks on the link, they will likely be taken to a page that appears to be an official-looking Facebook page, and they will be asked to fill out a form to appeal against the policy violation.

The page will ask for login details like email address, phone number, and name, as well as other information. When users hit submit, the page will ask them for their password, and if it is provided, scammers will have everything they need to hack a user’s account.

Following are some ways by which users can avoid such scams & protect their accounts:

· It is important to always read suspicious emails carefully and look out for any red flags before taking any action. Keep in mind that scammers often target social media platforms, so false alerts are not unusual.

· To check if there is an issue, log in directly to the Facebook account before making a decision.

· Even if the user believes that an alert is legitimate, log in to the social media app or type the URL into the browser bar, not click on a link that has been sent.

· Do not enter login details on any other websites or pages other than the Facebook official website. Do not send login details to anyone via email or Facebook Messenger. If login details on a fake form are entered, the password of the account needs to be changed immediately.

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