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Srinagar, Dec 15 – Peoples Democratic Party on Thursday said that Jammu and Kashmir became a part of India because of first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.

The PDP in its monthly newsletter “Speak-Up” released today came out in defence of Nehru, who was recently criticised by the Home Minister Amit Shah.

Shah last week said Jammu and Kashmir suffered because of Nehru’s two “historic blunders” – first announcing the ceasefire and then going to the United Nations.

“On a bright sunny day in New Delhi, the Home Minister found himself mourning the loss of Pakistan occupied Kashmir. Instead of ruminating over Jawaharlal Nehru’s ‘blunders’, the BJP needs to ask themselves what they have done for the Indian Kashmir since they came to power in 2014,” the party newsletter read.

“Other than dividing our land and resources for their cronies and using their brute majority in Parliament to airdrop laws to disempower our people, what has BJP done for us? Perhaps they regret losing Pakistan-occupied Kashmir because they couldn’t treat It like the spoils of war.

A quick lesson in history would tell them that it is because of Jawahar Lal Nehru that Kashmir acceded to India,” it added. The PDP said that people are grieving after the verdict of the Supreme Court on abrogation of Article 370. PDP quoted an Arab poet Ansar Yawar to suggest that they should have no expectation from the BJP on Kashmir.

“Expecting a solution from those who created the web is like a bug asking the spider for Its freedom, not realizing the purpose of the web,” the party while quoting the poet said.

The PDP hit at the BJP alleging that Kashmir has been facing the worst power cuts in more than 20 years.

“It is laughable that BJP expects the world to believe 80 percent of Kashmiris want to continue living like this,” it alleged.

The party also alleged that a feeling of doom has gripped the region as Indian companies gear up to bid for the treasure trove of Kashmir’s lithium mines.

PDP said extraction of lithium in Jammu and Kashmir will result in damage to ecology of the regions without any economic benefits for the locals.

“So, once again, what is the difference between an occupation and a government? What does a citizen have that a slave doesn’t ? A government strives to empower and enrich, whereas an occupation’s aim is to disempower, dispossess, and exploit. But when you find yourself asking this question over and over, it’s quite possible you already know the answer,” the PDP newsletter said.